金沙检测线路js69(中国)科技有限公司 - BinG百科

GCN200 强力型瓷砖胶

应用领域及产品 > 墙面瓷砖铺贴系统 > GCN200 强力型瓷砖胶

GCN200 强力型瓷砖胶

适用范围 Applicable scope



Suitable for bonding tiles with a water absorption rate greater than 3%and a tile size of no more than 600mmx600mm.

Suitable for bonding tiles with a water absorption rate between 0.5%and 3%and a tile size of no more than 300mm×600mm.

产品优势 Product advantages


Excellent constructability,good adhesion strength,and good anti -sliding performance.