金沙检测线路js69(中国)科技有限公司 - BinG百科

NK-T405(NF) 聚合物修补砂浆

应用领域及产品 > 建筑加固 > NK-T405(NF) 聚合物修补砂浆

NK-T405(NF) 聚合物修补砂浆

适用范围 Applicable scope


It is suitable for repairing the whole protective surface layer on the reinforced surface of concrete structure.

产品优势 Product advantages


High adhesion,low shrinkage,no cracking,good durability,can form a strong coating on the concrete surface,play a role in reinforcement protection and waterproofing.

上一个: NK-T505 灌钢胶
下一个: NK-T501 粘钢胶